Month: June 2013

Month: June 2013

IT’S TIME for your mid-year Soul Check-in! Are you READY?

With the passing of the summer solstice and the recent appearance of the Super Moon, we are nearing the mid-point of our year. It is a time to reflect on what has manifested in the first six months of the year and to kick-start our focus for the remainder of 2013. Each of us has

Are you ready? Do YOU have what it takes?

It is said that every soul is called by God. Everyone of us has and will have again the experience of being called. It is that unmistakable moment when we understand there is more to this earthly reality than we can see. It is a deep longing to reconnect with our homeland, to go back

Step up, step out and step in!

You have heard the call before. A gentle nudge from deep inside guiding you to shift your course. The subtle emotions letting you know that your life is changing. As your true authentic nature struggles to rise to the surface, we can feel the stirrings of fear, anxiety, unworthiness or doubt deep inside. It is