One of my favorite quotes by physicist Albert Einstein is about miracles.
“There are two ways to live: You can live as if nothing is a miracle; You can live as if everything is a miracle.”
This dualistic view of reality positions you to make a choice. In this choice, you become the observer. And as the observer, you create your life experience. This inherent power is your divine birthright. It is the blessing of being aware and attentive with your intention.
As a conscious observer, you become increasingly cognizant of the thoughts that traverse your mind. You have over 60,000 thoughts each day. How aware are you of the thoughts that are passing through your mind right now?
Let’s take a moment and explore where your attention is as you read these words…
Are you reading this sentence with laser-focused awareness?
Or is your mind distracted by what you forgot to do this morning? Or perhaps dreaming about what will happen tomorrow?
It is the art of mindfulness and the science of observation that combine to transmit the focus of intention. Your focus creates power, a personal power that manifests as a result of the choices you make. When you consciously choose which lens you will use to view your reality, the results are immediately apparent.
The key to empowered choice is revealed in your response to these questions:
How do I choose to live?
Do I choose to live as if everything is a miracle?
Does my belief in miracles influence each choice that I make?
Belief is the mystical force that ignites an alchemical fire, melting the bondage of mediocrity into the clarity of divine perception. Seeing the world through God’s eyes is a gift. God-sight is your divinity birthed in a human body. As an evolutionary spark of the Godhead, your soul observes life through your senses. Immersed in ever-present ever-expanding awareness, your soul intimately knows the power of observation and your participatory role in it.
As the observer, the unformed wave becomes a solid particle when you observe it. You, as a co-creator, are orchestrating the energy of the formless substance around you into a shaped physical reality. Filtering your attention through the funnel of belief raises the vibration of everything you experience. This opens a gateway, allowing you to manifest your infinite potential as a direct result of each choice.
Having opened this door, you are now faced with a dilemma. It is the burden of responsibility. Being a conscious participant in your life propels you into the arena of choice. With choice comes responsibility. With responsibility comes personally accepting what you are creating in each moment. Many people push away what they consider to be the unbearable weight of responsibility: not wanting to be held accountable for their actions; unwilling to accept the consequences of their choices; surrendering their power instead of stepping into it.
But let’s take a deeper look into what responsibility really means…
Responsibility is your ability to respond to life.
Responsibility is a privilege, allowing you to actively participate in your personal growth. Responsibility is your willingness to celebrate consciously architected life choices. Take this opportunity to convert the perceived burden of responsibility into the rocket fuel that lifts you beyond the boundaries of social constraint into the realm of mystery.
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.” – Albert Einstein
Empowered personal responsibility is the key to unlocking miracles. Choose to use your sacred inheritance wisely. Begin today. Start right now.
There is a miracle waiting to happen. Believe it. Einstein did.
Laurel Geise is an an inspirational author, international speaker and master teacher empowering people to listen, align and act their way to living a Soul-Guided Life. As the evolutionary leader of the worldwide Soul-Guided Living movement, the energy of her message will ignite the remembrance of your soul purpose. Her latest book, The Jesus Seeds: Igniting Your Soul-Guided Life, is available on Amazon, and your local bookstore. Visit Laurel online at