With the passing of the summer solstice and the recent appearance of the Super Moon, we are nearing the mid-point of our year. It is a time to reflect on what has manifested in the first six months of the year and to kick-start our focus for the remainder of 2013. Each of us has the potential to fully embrace our true purpose. But, are you really giving it your all? Are you truly committed to aligning your life with your soul purpose? Or, have you heard the call and simply do not have the time to listen?
The good news is that we can take a deep breath, stop for a moment and during this brief pause look deeply into how our life is unfolding. For me, I like to take time for a mid-year Soul Check-in; a pause to reflect on how my life is actually aligning with my authentic soul purpose.
I have a checklist of the questions that I personally use to examine what is happening in my life. Are you willing to walk through the checklist with me?
I find it helps to sit myself down in a quiet space where I can relax and fully open to feeling my heart so I can receive an honest response to each question. Once you are relaxed, ask yourself the questions. There is not a right or wrong answer, only the answer your soul wants you to hear. I use my soul journal to write down my Soul Guidance that is provided for each question that is asked. Allow yourself about thirty minutes for this process.
During the Soul Check-in process, I flip my normal “I AM” daily affirmations to “AM I” questions. This helps me to reflect back on the last six months. I delve into three distinct facets of my life including inquiries about my Soul Evolution, Soul Alignment and Soul Union.
Are you ready? Here we go. Pick up your pen, open your soul journal and ask yourself each question. Look back on the last six months and be as authentic as you can while you write down your responses.
1. Soul Evolution Questions: Am I allowing myself to make choices that support my conscious evolution? Am I hiding my light in any area of my life in fear that others will find me to be a bit too much? Do I really pay attention to the quiet nudges from my soul; an intuition, a deep knowingness, a vision, or a whisper? Am I taking five minutes each morning to write down the Soul Guidance that I am receiving in my soul journal?
2. Soul Alignment Questions: Am I actively aligning my life with the Soul Guidance that I am receiving? Am I reading my personalized Soul Guidance and identifying action steps? Am I taking actionable steps to be in alignment with my authentic soul purpose?
3. Soul Union Questions: Am I experiencing a moment each day where I am consciously aware that I am connecting with the Divine? Am I taking time to see the Divine in the beauty of nature, the smile on someone’s face, or the laughter in my friend’s eyes? Am I feeling the touch of Divine Grace as I give myself the daily gift of silence in meditation, prayer, contemplation, stillness, breath awareness, or just being still enough to simply listen?
Once you have written down your answers to the Check-in questions, put your journal away and do not read the responses until tomorrow morning. When we connect with our Soul Guidance, I find it helpful to allow some time to pass between the writing of my Soul Guidance and the active reception of the soul messages on a cognitive level. The span of time between reception and cognition gives me the ability to push my ego gently aside while I listen to my soul’s GPS directions for my life. Only your soul has the road map to your authentic purpose. Only your soul has the infinite playbook for your conscious evolution. Only your soul can lead you step by step over the river of doubt to your highest potential.
As you are standing in the stillness of the next morning, open your soul journal. As you are engulfed in grace and ease, read the guidance your soul has provided to you. Are you feeling the truth of the responses in your heart? Is there a resonance deep in your body with the words your soul has chosen to share with you? Are you ready to step up, out and into your authentic self?
As you feel the inspiration enter your body, let it saturate every cell. Allow it to lift you higher and higher as you commit, and then recommit, to unleashing your magnificence in the world. The key to your conscious evolution is surrender to your soul’s ultimate wisdom. Take the answers from your mid-year Soul Check-in and embed the life aligning actions into your daily routine. Your soul will provide the guidance, but it is up to you to make it happen.
Congratulations on completing your six-month Soul Check-in! As you allow your soul guidance to wash through your life, make the changes required to align your life with your true purpose. As you implement your Soul Guidance, prepare to be amazed at how your life unfolds. Let’s check-in again at the end of the year and see just how incredible the second half of your year has been. I am cheering for you!
Laurel Geise is an an inspirational author, international speaker and master teacher empowering people to listen, align and act their way to living a Soul-Guided Life. As the evolutionary leader of the worldwide Soul-Guided Living movement, the energy of her message will ignite the remembrance of your soul purpose. Her latest book, The Jesus Seeds: Igniting Your Soul-Guided Life, is available on Amazon, BN.com and your local bookstore. Visit Laurel online at www.LaurelGeise.com.
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